
Panchmukhi hanuman stotra lyrics
Panchmukhi hanuman stotra lyrics

panchmukhi hanuman stotra lyrics

The crocodile was a Gandharva King Huhu in his previous birth. The sage revealed to the king he will be born as an elephant in his next birth and learn that the self must be renounced and surrendered to the Lord. Sage Agastya noticed that despite his greatness, Indradyumna still possessed traces of Ahamkara or egoism. He did not rise to receive the sage with due respect. Once, it so happened that Sage Agastya came to visit the king. He was an arduous devotee of Lord Vishnu. Gajendra was King Indradyumna in his previous life. This story was narrated by Shuka to King Parikshit. Gajendra achieved Moksha, or freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Thus Lord Vishnu rescued Gajendra from the crocodile’s clutches (the samsara or “Maya”). When Bhagwan Narayan came to his rescue, Gajendra picked up a lotus and offered it to Bhagwan.

panchmukhi hanuman stotra lyrics

Only Supreme Lord Narayan, who is beyond all manifestation, came seated on his bird Garuda to liberate him. So, none of the other devatas or deities (like Brahma) came to his rescue as all of them identified themselves with a particular name and form. He addressed his prayer to the highest God, which is beyond any form and expression. It should be noted that Gajendra did not call out to God by any specific name. Shower on me the spiritual light of the knowledge of the Supreme Soul.”

#Panchmukhi hanuman stotra lyrics free

Gajendra went on to say, “Please free me from the clutches of samsara (the alligator). You are the cause of everything, and still, you are without a cause.” The existence of this temporal world points to your eternal presence. Gajendra exclaimed, “Although you’re devoid of any form, you exist in all the creatures. He offered mental salutations to the glorious God, who is denoted by the symbol Om. He began to describe what he thought God was like. Gajendra started to state his present position. Take me to that abode where Kala can never grab me again.” Gajendra sang out, “I take refuge in You, O! Lord. Gajendra exclaimed, “It is to Lord Vishnu that I now surrender myself.” Gajendra realized that it is only Bhagwan Vishnu that can save him from the clutches of death. He was the leader of a big clan but all deserted him in the end. All the fellow elephants slowly withdrew, and Gajendra was left alone. Gajendra realized that he was fighting a losing battle. The other fellow elephants tried to pull Gajendra out of crocodile clutches but were unable to extricate him.Ī fierce tug-of-war started, which left Gajendra exhausted in body and spirit. It so happened that when Gajendra was having a bath in the waters of the lake, a crocodile came and caught one of his feet and started dragging him into the water. Once a family of elephants led by their mammoth chief, Gajendra, entered the garden and made it to a big lake to drink water and cool them. The story has been etched amidst the secluded valleys of Mount Trikota, surrounded by lakes and rivers, and had a beautiful garden that belonged to Varuna, the Lord of the Oceans. It is believed that whosoever recites this Stotra gets the power to face any difficulties in life and come out of unwanted situations.

Panchmukhi hanuman stotra lyrics